Funeral Flower Tribute Booking Deposit

Feeling uncertain about the best way to preserve your cherished flowers? Our deposit option offers peace of mind, securing your flowers’ space in our studio after your event with a £99.00 deposit. This approach allows us to guide you through all available options once we receive your flowers, ensuring you get a beautiful keepsake that perfectly commemorates your loved one. A bespoke floral paperweight, handcrafted to encase your flowers, provides an enduring and sentimental treasure, a lasting reminder of someone precious.

Upon receipt of your flowers, we can advise on the creation of either single or multi-flower paperweights, as well as charming bead charms, tailored to the size and style you prefer. This deposit not only books your slot but also opens up possibilities for incorporating personal memorabilia or engraved plaques into your design, adding a personal touch to your memorial keepsake. The balance will be requested once your order is finalized, ensuring you have clarity and control over the design process.


3D Flower Preservation

Booking Deposit
Funeral Flower Tribute

Memorial Keepsake

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